Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Clothes Quilt: Part 2

I haven't been crafting much this week...just a lot of non-packing for our upcoming move! I realized I have two more weekends to pack...and I got nothing done so far. Just four empty boxes on my patio...

What I have been doing is a lot of time wasting in Photoshop, planning out my daughter's baby clothes quilt.

This is the design I came up with:

I tried to code each design so I could lay it out easily on the floor to see how it will really look.

I have to say this is a big reason I have been putting off her quilt...and why I don't make quilts at all. I don't care for the designing part. I went through so many different options and designs before I settled on this one. I ended up wanting the colors to blend into each other as opposed to being random. I have to lay it all out on the floor and make sure my crappy Photoshop version looks as good in real life. Then I can iron interfacing onto all the squares and maybe start actually sewing it together in February? Seriously...why am I doing this? Oh yeah...memories and stuff.

Wish me luck!


  1. I love the design, good luck!

  2. WOW! I can see why the designing is your most un-favorite part...looks like it could be very time consuming! Your design is awesome...Love it! It will definitly be worth it!

  3. what a great idea! i can't wait to see it when you're done!!!

  4. Can u posted a sample of your finish product in make a children clothes using that design you have posted in this site.



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